3 Ways Custom Stationery can Level-up your Wedding

When it comes to wedding planning, there are seemingly endless factors to consider, I know. Between building the guest list, booking your favorite vendors, and planning the logistics of the day, it's just... a lot.

There is a huge list of items and services that you can pour your budget into for the wedding day festivities (hello, years-in-the-making Pinterest board!) and at first consideration it may seem as though custom stationery is an 'extra'. Consider this as official advice from your wedding-day BFF:

Stationery. is. so. important.

Here are just a few reasons why.

#1: It's personal and reflective of you as a couple.

Whether you opt for save-the-dates or send out invitations the traditional way, your stationery is the first impression your loved ones have for your wedding day. It sets the theme and the style reflects you and your fiancé's story and personality as a couple. Working with a custom stationery designer will guarantee your story will shine through your paper goods. Maybe your favorite hobby as a couple is beekeeping and you want to incorporate some honey-inspired elements. Obsessed with your fur baby? Let's add a watercolor of him/her on the envelope! If you met in college and want to include a brick texture reminiscent of the old buildings on campus, that would be amazing.

By including a part of your history we can create a sentimental heirloom -- something you and your closest loved ones keep with the family photos and cherish for decades, rather than a piece of paper to be discarded after the wedding day.

#2: It makes your guests feel honored.

Imagine receiving a beautiful piece of mail with your name hand-scripted on the front, and an even more beautiful invitation and detail card inside. That would certainly stand out in the stack of bills and junk mail in the mailbox!

When you send your guests a suite that is well-designed and reflective of you and your fiancé, they will automatically feel honored and excited that you have included them in such an event.

While functional and low-cost, an e-vite or 'big-box shop' invitation just doesn't have the same effect. You've picked your guest list carefully and have chosen to invite your closest family, friends, and most-loved people in your circle. Custom stationery communicates that you value their presence at one of the most important events of your life! Who wouldn't be excited to attend your wedding and celebrate with you after receiving that?

#3: It saves you and your guests a lot of hassle.

Here is a real-life scenario I've seen numerous times in the past. You receive a wedding invitation, and it's beautiful, but there are some key details missing. Who exactly is invited? Are kids welcome, or only adults? When should I RSVP? Is there a cocktail hour before the reception, or should I plan something to do for 2 hours between the ceremony and reception? Is the couple registered anywhere for gifts? Are there allergy-friendly meal choices available for dinner? What's the formality level of the dress code?

As the couple getting married, it can be difficult to step into your guests' shoes and realize that these details are all important to know ahead of time. Having all the details laid out in an orderly manner lets your guests know what to expect and how to prepare for your wedding. After all, they are typically taking nearly and entire day of their schedule to celebrate with you! Of course, they are glad to do so, but it's courteous and kind to be sure they are comfortable and have all the details. If your guests don't have all the details included in the invitation, who do they ask? Yep, it's you. The last thing you need on your plate is fielding calls from Aunt Laura and Facebook messages from your coworker about the dress code and meal choices.

Pre-made templates like those from big-box invitation shops or even downloadable templates from Etsy often don't take this into account. Every wedding is different, and it can be difficult to find an invitation that matches your style, is personalized, and includes all the details you need to communicate with your loved ones. It's super easy to simply forget about a couple details, too. Working with a custom stationery designer eases the stress of the process because we are knowledgable and experienced in handling all the smallest details, ensuring your loved ones get all the information needed so your day runs smoothly. We can ask you about things that you may not have even considered before!

So, from your wedding-stationery-BFF...

Some things are worth the time and cash investment because they preserve your sanity (let's be real, wedding planning can make you feel straight-up crazy sometimes) and produce results that are nearly priceless. Custom-designed stationery is one of those things. It's personal and tells your story as a couple. It makes your guests feel honored and excited for you wedding. It saves you and your guests so much extra hassle!

Maybe you hadn't really considered the function and practicality of good design and storytelling in your stationery. Maybe you already loved the look of custom stationery and just needed some great reasons to take the plunge! Either way, I hope this article was helpful for you and gave some insight into this small yet crucial facet of your wedding-day goods. Clearly, I'm pretty passionate about crafting beautiful paper for the best couples out there. If you want to chat about paper or all-things-wedding, my inbox is open!


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